Right Time Watches

Right Time Watches, Denver, CO - Timeless elegance meets modern sophistication at this Denver-based watch store. We fabricated 15 custom cabinets, 8 all-glass display, our signature inverted elevation Copper Mountain coffee table, tiered shelf, in display veneer, and sprayed on-site cabinetry.

Status: Closed July 2023


  • Preemptively addressing the weight of the watches, we designed the cabinets to withstand heavy loads.

  • Accommodating the clients’s time constraints and need to keep the store operational during a complete remodel.

  • Incorporating continuous LED lighting into adjustable shelves.

  • Functional sliding glass doors on a large scale.

  • Sourcing a company that does quality UV bonding on glass-to-glass.

  • Modifying existing cabinetry to stay within client's budget.


1740 Broadway


Snowmas Club